Sustainable impact journey

Sustainable impact journey

‘Most people overestimate what they can achieve in one year, and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade’ - Tony Robbins

Like a lot of people, a lot of companies also keep themselves trapped in the ratrace. Focussing on the short term, profit, growth. It is the old paradigm, which is our normal, because a new normal is not there yet. Are you ready to make a difference? To truly integrate sustainability in the heart of your business? To get your company future proof? There is a business case in sustainability, there truly is. 


This is a unique start of your sustainable impact journey! During two days and two nights, we’ll work with a small group of business leaders and three senior facilitators to co-create your sustainable strategy. You’ll be inspired by best practices, learn how to apply biomimicry and the natural step in your business, a total reframing of innovation. After two days and two nights you’ll leave with a practical plan, tailor-made for your company. 

To get the best out of these two days and two nights, we need to all start on the same page. That’s why, in order to be part of this journey, we ask you to first attend ‘Your impact in the bigger picture’ and ‘Being your truest Self’. Because by then, you’ll have an idea about what framework you would like to implement to get your business more sustainable. And you will have worked on all the things that have prevented you until now to fully step into your greatness. So all the basics you need to be a great eco-leader are there and we can truly focus on making your business sustainable in all meanings of the word. 

Facilitator: Geanne, Eva, Vivienne 

Date: Tbd*

Location: Tbd*

Time: Start 17.30 Day 1, ends 17.00 Day 3

Investment: tbd*

  • Due to Covid-19, we have not yet rescheduled this workshop. If you are interested, please let us know and we can discuss possibilities.

(All communication on this website is in English, to be inclusive to as many people as possible. In case of an all Dutch group though, of course modules will be held in Dutch.) 

Do you want to join? Fill in the form, let us know when you would like to join and we will reserve you a spot!
